I was digging through my gong-show of an office and I came across some film from festival du Voyageur. For all the non-Winnipeggers, festival is an outdoor festival put on by the french community in Winnipeg. Basically, it is a hodepodge of Caribou in ice glasses, ice sculptures, hay-rides, music in heated tents, and of course debauchery. Unfortunately, I screwed up and forgot to fill my bag with film... The nights that are priceless always seem to be accompanied by a lack of film. All I can say is... late night parties in the Fort Gary parking garage are made even better by the musical stylings of a man wearing a balaclava!... I wish I had a pic of that scene!... Anyway, here is what I have to offer from that evening. The last shots are an attempt to capture the rapturous cacophany that is festival. Think double exposure plaid... you decide...

Nicole and Temp

The Dust Rhino's...
I thought I would use the Dust Rhinos as an intro to what I really wanted to discuss. A good buddy of mine, who plays with the Rhinos, also plays with a crew named 2 rocks of stone. They will be playing at a showing my man Ian August is going to be putting on at the Urban Shaman. If you like crazy good oil painting, seeing really tall Wityk boys, and listening to some good live music come on down on Friday!... support local gatherings of greatness! Vultures not welcome...
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