Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
The Heart of The World...
To round off your weekend viewing, I thought I should add some Winnipeg flavour into the mix!... Guy Maddin, if you don't know him, you should...
Un chien andalou...
Un chien andalou is a short film created by Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali. From a conventional point of view this film has no plot. On the surface, the chronology of the film is completely disjointed and all over the place. Instead the film utilizes dream logic that can be described as Freudian free association , a technique widely utilized by surrealists at the time, to determine the chronological flow of the film. Through their fascination with what the mind could create, the two based the script on the concept of suppressed human emotions... check it!...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
My buddy Blaine told me to check out this speech Elizabeth Gilbert put on for Ted.com... check it!...
Monday, March 23, 2009
I am sure all Pegger's are aware by now that an Ikea will be gracing our hallowed berg in the near future!... I am sure the conglomerate that satisfies our need for next-level steaming hot shit furniture will bring the city many dollars in tax revenue and consumer spending. With that said, all I could think about was when people went through tough times back in the day, like the dirty thirties or the World Wars, they would burn their furniture and belongings in order to stay warm and cook their food. Furniture is a great source of fuel in hard times! I know we are going through a recession at the moment and I thought Ikea could fill a great untapped niche. Instead of going through all the trouble of dismembering a chair, like in the "old days", all you super cool hipsters, yuppies, and soccer mom's can just go down to your local Ikea and pick up all you need to start that fire!... Here is a manual courtesy of Helmut Smits and platform 21... ENJOY!...
FLAMMA Project
p.s. thanks for the heads up on the linking Nicole!...
FLAMMA Project
p.s. thanks for the heads up on the linking Nicole!...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Manifestation at a different time...
Crazy legs sums it up pretty well right off the hop... and I didn't even have to use Duchamp...
Monday, March 9, 2009
Winnipeg Hydro...
I was digging through my gong-show of an office and I came across some film from festival du Voyageur. For all the non-Winnipeggers, festival is an outdoor festival put on by the french community in Winnipeg. Basically, it is a hodepodge of Caribou in ice glasses, ice sculptures, hay-rides, music in heated tents, and of course debauchery. Unfortunately, I screwed up and forgot to fill my bag with film... The nights that are priceless always seem to be accompanied by a lack of film. All I can say is... late night parties in the Fort Gary parking garage are made even better by the musical stylings of a man wearing a balaclava!... I wish I had a pic of that scene!... Anyway, here is what I have to offer from that evening. The last shots are an attempt to capture the rapturous cacophany that is festival. Think double exposure plaid... you decide...

Nicole and Temp

The Dust Rhino's...
I thought I would use the Dust Rhinos as an intro to what I really wanted to discuss. A good buddy of mine, who plays with the Rhinos, also plays with a crew named 2 rocks of stone. They will be playing at a showing my man Ian August is going to be putting on at the Urban Shaman. If you like crazy good oil painting, seeing really tall Wityk boys, and listening to some good live music come on down on Friday!... support local gatherings of greatness! Vultures not welcome...
Nicole and Temp
The Dust Rhino's...
I thought I would use the Dust Rhinos as an intro to what I really wanted to discuss. A good buddy of mine, who plays with the Rhinos, also plays with a crew named 2 rocks of stone. They will be playing at a showing my man Ian August is going to be putting on at the Urban Shaman. If you like crazy good oil painting, seeing really tall Wityk boys, and listening to some good live music come on down on Friday!... support local gatherings of greatness! Vultures not welcome...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Mr. fixit gets his eyes opened...
I got home tonight after getting my ass beat down in curling, as per usual, and I decided to fix a little item in my house that has been neglected far too long. So, I jump on the interweb and start searching... then I came upon the dopest site ever!... http://www.platform21.nl/...
make sure to check out their Repair Manifesto! http://www.platform21.nl/page/4453
also, check their sweet graffiti instructable... graff that is edible!... http://www.platform21.nl/page/3309/en

p.s. I don't know how to do those little link things were you type (here) and that is the link... someone show me how!...
p.s.s. Also, I don't know how to add a pdf to this page as well... show me how!...
I leave you with these words: "Stop recycling, start repairing" - platform 21...
make sure to check out their Repair Manifesto! http://www.platform21.nl/page/4453
also, check their sweet graffiti instructable... graff that is edible!... http://www.platform21.nl/page/3309/en

p.s. I don't know how to do those little link things were you type (here) and that is the link... someone show me how!...
p.s.s. Also, I don't know how to add a pdf to this page as well... show me how!...
I leave you with these words: "Stop recycling, start repairing" - platform 21...
Monday, March 2, 2009
Craig Costello...
Buy KRINK if you want to support his cause... if you want to save some cash on some mops here you go...
Use an oil-based rust paint such as Rustolium or Tremclad
empty a "Kiwi" shoe polish container
put a marbel into the cleaned out container
make a paint solution of 3 parts paint to 1 part solvent based thinner
add a bit of DOT-3 brake fluid to the mix
(the brake fluid will leave a ghost if the work is buffed)...
using a funnel pour it into the container
solution should be nice and fluid... good for drips when painting on your "canvas"
for the lawyers out there... I do not promote destruction of property... this is simply for indoor use on canvas and other "high art" practices...
p.s. regarding my last post... there is a canadian duo called [The User] doing this dotmatrix stuff as well... they had no visuals so I had to go with Sue Harding...I'm a visuals kind of guy... so, [The User] for all those looking for some Canadian content!...
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Rem Koolhaus: On Urbanism...
I love Winnipeg but FUCK!... we would be well served by listening to what this man has to offer...
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