Monday, March 23, 2009


I am sure all Pegger's are aware by now that an Ikea will be gracing our hallowed berg in the near future!... I am sure the conglomerate that satisfies our need for next-level steaming hot shit furniture will bring the city many dollars in tax revenue and consumer spending. With that said, all I could think about was when people went through tough times back in the day, like the dirty thirties or the World Wars, they would burn their furniture and belongings in order to stay warm and cook their food. Furniture is a great source of fuel in hard times! I know we are going through a recession at the moment and I thought Ikea could fill a great untapped niche. Instead of going through all the trouble of dismembering a chair, like in the "old days", all you super cool hipsters, yuppies, and soccer mom's can just go down to your local Ikea and pick up all you need to start that fire!... Here is a manual courtesy of Helmut Smits and platform 21... ENJOY!...

FLAMMA Project

p.s. thanks for the heads up on the linking Nicole!...

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